About Running Wizard
All Running Wizard plans are based on the system of legendary coach Arthur Lydiard, whose methods are widely considered to be to gold standard for both elite athletes and recreational runners.
Using the information you provide, the Wizard will individualize your plan for your target event based on your fitness, estimated VO2max, and training selections. The training is structured to peak you on the day that counts by progressing you through a series of phases. Furthermore the training is regenerative, balancing each workout with recovery in your weekly cycle to optimize your adaptive response. Each training cycle builds on what has gone before, thus promoting continued improvement and longevity as an athlete, rather than the high burn-out risk of many 'fad' plans available today.
What You Get
When you purchase a Running Wizard Training Plan you receive:
- An easy-to-follow and inspiring Lydiard schedule
- Detailed daily workouts tailor-made for your fitness level
- Training phases to progressively develop faster paces
- A choice of 4 – 7 training days per week
- A choice of Saturday, Sunday or Monday long run
- Progressive training paces and HR ranges
- Effort guidelines
- The Daily Recovery Indicator Index to monitor your training
- Expert guidance, training tips and how-to advice
- The premier training log of Final Surge and their mobile app (including GPS watch integration) to track your progress
- The option for coaches to upgrade to the Final Surge coaching package so that they can monitor and coach their own athletes through the training log
How To Choose Your Plan

Once you have chosen your plan the Wizard will direct you through 5 simple steps.
1st step. Your Previous Race Experience
Running Wizard plans are designed for safe long-term development. Therefore beginner’s plans differ in structure to those of seasoned runners.
2nd step. Assessing Your VO2max
The Wizard will ask you to enter a recent race time to predict your estimated VO2max using a recent race time. This is important to do accurately as possible as it sets your training guidelines.
If you do not have a recent time, go to the track and run an even paced mile as fast as possible and enter that time.
If you are a beginner the Wizard will direct you to a VO2max interview with a series of 17 questions.
3rd step. The Running Interview
5 questions to determine your level of fitness starting point.
4th step. Your Training Preferences
6 questions to customize your plan to your target date and your training choices including the number of days you wish to train, and your preferred long run day (Sat, Sun or Monday).
5th step. View Sample Plan and Confirm
Running Wizard will generate your plan. You will have three sample weeks from throughout your plan weeks to view before you confirm and are directed to payment.
1500m / 5k / 10k Plans$59.95
Get Your PlanMarathon Plans$99.95
Get Your PlanHalf-Marathon Plans$99.95
Get Your PlanUp and Running/Up and Racing Plans$29.95-$39.95
Get Your PlanOur plans are hi-tech and have taken years of research, refinement and testing to bring Lydiard Training to you online in a user-friendly way. We are dedicated to spreading this method to as many people as possible so have kept our prices reasonable: Your customized workout is delivered to you daily for cents on the dollar, while our beginner plan is hugely discounted to encourage those starting out to do so correctly and safely. Also we offer exciting specials throughout the year so keep checking in.