See what athletes and coaches have to say about Running Wizard and the principles of Lydiard training!

The most intelligent training system out there.
-Frank Shorter, 1972 Gold and 1976 Silver Medal Olympic Marathon

I have always followed Lydiard's training principles. For safety, efficiency and hitting the races in top shape this is the most effective training system out there.
-Bill Rodgers, 4 Time Winner of Boston and New York City Marathons

For both champions and joggers alike, no other training system comes close for enduring excellence and excellent endurance. Speed included!
-Dr. Richard Brown, Designer of Lydiard Online Training Programs

Just finished the second Lydiard Running Wizard training plan this year and was able to PR several times during the course of the plan as well as for the goal races!
My recent 10K was a about a 49:00 last year and, this year, with the Lydiard training, I ran 42:39 during the first cycle and a 40:40 during the second cycle – that was my real “goal” race for the year but I signed up for the 1/2 marathon training program with the half marathon race a few weeks after the 10K goal race.
My recent half times have been 1:40:00 - 2:00:00 and, during the first Lydiard cycle this year, I PR’ed with a 1:35:12 and for the second cycle (plan goal race completed on 11/11/2018) it was 1:33:57.
My 5K PR was 20:16 (XC trail race) in the second cycle this year with my prior 5K times being around 22:00.
My marathon time went from a 4:47:29 last fall to a 3:46:26 this spring during the first training cycle. The previous plan hovered around 80-90 miles per week and I was hoping for a good time, until I was hit by a car during taper phase, survived, and was able to run after the surgery. After recovering, I realized that I needed to do something different in my training and started the Lydiard training this spring- run times for all distances have improved!!!
Using the Lydiard training program, I am really surprised how good I feel on race day, not over-trained or tired – so much that I was afraid to push faster when I was hovering near goal pace or better.
I also think I understand why the plan is not to train for only one goal race; my 10K PR this cycle of 40:40 was set during my personal goal race, but not the plan’s goal race. I PR'ed during both races. My 10K time was faster than last year's win-time.
Also, I am looking ahead to next year and trying to figure out what races to run. I ran 19 races during the 2 training plan cycles and was lucky enough to PR 7 times. By completing your plans I am running my fastest personal times ever and that is hard to comprehend because of less speed work- but it certainly works.
Post Script: Kevin asked me (Nobby) to put together what we call “Interim” plan, Lydiard’s Non-Race-Week / Race-Week plan, which I had created a PDF file of and sent to him. Three weeks later, he set the 8th PR, a 5k in 19:59. (*We are hoping to introduce this “Interim” plans at Running Wizard website in the near future.)
PPS (one week after ‘PS’ above): Ok, another 5k PR by 9 seconds!!! In 19:50 last night...27 degrees (F) out with snow, 10mph wind, and yet it felt like a light run... The pace felt so natural. Just to be able to age-group-place and finish the running year with yet another PR is so special for me. 21st race of the year and 9th PR of the year using 2 cycles of Running Wizard training plans. Now I know why you call it the 'Running Wizard'...it feels like magic during a race and it is hard for me to accept and believe especially after the other training plans with all the speed work...that make you believe you have to earn fast times via numerous track workouts. What is really going on here, Nobuya? LOL
-Kevin Justian, 48-years-old male
Half Marathon:
Full Marathon:

My name is Michael Smith. You and I spoke at the 2018 Detroit Marathon Expo on Friday afternoon for about 20 minutes. I wanted to give you an update on my marathon run today.
As discussed last Friday, this is my 3rd marathon try. My goal has always been to be under 4 hours. I tried free training plans online and through apps on my phone and failed miserably both times (4:13 & 4:32). I truly believe that I just over-trained both times. When I say over-trained I mean both the amount of miles AND the pace I ran for those training miles. When I first heard of Lydiard I was reluctant to pay for an actual training plan as the race was already over $100 dollars, however the thought of another missed goal and opportunity after 5 months of training would’ve been even more disappointing. So I decided to do the 18-week marathon training plan. I inputted a 5k time of 23:30 and Lydiard gave me a VERY detailed plan.
I am not an experienced runner with years of experience (only 3 as of now). So I really liked the details that Lydiard Running Wizard provided. I had them downloaded to the Final Surge app on my iPhone and had the details at my finger-tips. Details telling me what and how to do it but even more importantly was what NOT to do and why.
As I first looked over the plan, I was extremely nervous because it only had ONE single run at 2 hours and 15 minutes and the other long runs (once a week) were in the timeframe of about 2 hours (I did the 4 days a week plan). Knowing that I was in for a 4-hour race I felt very uneasy. However, I read some of the reviews of Lydiard Training and tried my hardest to believe this training plan would prepare me to perform on race day.
Before the Expo I was concerned that I wasn’t ready, then after chatting with you at the Expo my confidence was very high that I was ready. I can’t thank you enough for all of your tips.
I am happy to say that in today’s Detroit International Marathon I finished at 3:56:34!! I ran out with the 4-hour pacer and stayed with him until mile 23. I was still feeling good so I pulled away from him. The final 3 miles were my fastest of the whole marathon! Bottom line is that I am a believer in the Lydiard Training now! Per your recommendation, I am planning on signing up for a 5k plan in an attempt to improve my speed. Then follow up with another marathon plan and see how much I can improve for next year’s marathon.
Thank you again for our discussion on Friday. I can’t put into words what it meant to me. Please feel free to use any of this as a testimonial or review as I hope it can help another fellow runner take the leap to a better performance.
-Michael Smith, 43 years old
Full Marathon:
“First time Lydiard training. She ran 3:13 at Boston in April 2018. Her half marathon PR was 1:28.30. Four weeks ago, she ran a PR 1:25:40 placing 4th woman overall (hot and humid). Two weeks ago, she PR'ed at 10k in 38:00, 3rd woman overall. Yesterday, her target race, she PR'ed in the half in 1:23:40! Seventeenth woman overall. I will be working with her for another full marathon in April 2019 on a Lydiard plan.” – her coach, Bob Dyer
-Marie O’Leary, 27-year-old female
Half Marathon:
I am 43 year old runner in the UK and have been doing Lydiard training for about a year now. So far I've completed 2 Running Wizard plans - one for a 5k and one for a 10k. For the 5k I got 2 consecutive PRs (17:42 and 17:30) and also one for the 10K (36:52) - this system clearly works! The plans seem very balanced and systematic allowing you to arrive at your target race in peak condition. I particularly like the range of paces / effort / heart rate provided with each workout allowing for you to adjust to how you feel that day. That together with the 'Recovery Indicator' feature on the website allows you to progress your training in a safe way. For anyone interested in training the Lydiard way, I would strongly recommend the plans available at Running Wizard.
-Rick Aldred; 43-years-old, male, UK

I'm 66 and ran my best 1/2 marathons in 15 years (much better than even the plans predicted, and that was with taking some time off during the plan due to illness)....best programs that I've used in 45 years of competitive running and will continue to use Running Wizard forever!
-Marvin Ernst, 66-year-old male

2016 I ran my first marathon and shortly after (due to dumb running behavior) ended up with a tidal stress fracture. I was in a boot for awhile and when it was safe to get back into running I needed to find a plan that was going to help me stay healthy and allow me to only run 4x a week. Gazelle Sports switched over to the Running Wizard plan in the summer of 2017 and after doing some research was very intrigued but a little skeptical. I kinda figured "what the heck" and signed up because I really loved how this type of training was proven to help runners stay uninjured. However, I was a little skeptical because the training paces did not seem to reflect the type or speed of training I thought I needed for my goal and the pyramid method was SO different.
Anyway, I followed the plan and even though along the way doubted it a little, I had a great summer running and ENJOYED myself so much. My body was happy, and I was able to grow a healthy relationship with running again. My paces DID naturally get faster and I felt great.
In the beginning of training my goal was just to come back from injury and maybe do a small PR in the 2017 GR half but I ended up PR-ing by 5 minutes!!!! I could not believe it.
Now, I am exited to see what this type of training can do for a marathon. I registered and got into the Boston Marathon last fall and even though I am lacking a little confidence right now, I know that this training will help that so much. Just gotta stay smart and healthy!
-Megan Lambers, Dandavati, Grand Rapids, MI
2017 Grand Rapids Half Marathon – 1:33 (5-min PR)

I have never considered myself much of a runner given the fact that I only started running seriously in my early fifties and that too because an individual that I admired recommended that I try it. I joined a running group, ran a couple of times during the week and participated in a few local races. My most notable run was completing the Chicago Marathon (my first marathon) in 2016 with a time of 5:04!
When my running group was contemplating adopting the Lydiard Method & Running Wizard in the summer of 2017, I was skeptical, hesitant and full of questions and concerns. Nonetheless, I was intrigued with the idea of bettering my performance in the Chicago Marathon of 2017, looking forward to training, enjoying running and most importantly not getting injured (something I am considerably concerned and worried about). So, in spite of my numerous questions and concerns, I jumped into the training. My skepticism only increased as the training progressed but I did observe a few things: I was running a lot more often than I had ever run before, the distances I was running were quite varied and I was learning a lot about fartleks, jogs, strides, anaerobic development etc., and I was enjoying running!! My longest run training for a marathon did not exceed more than a half and I was not injured! I completed the Chicago Marathon of 2017 with a smile on my face and a PR by 13 minutes!
A heartfelt "thanks" to the Lydiard Method, Running Wizard, Nobby & Alli (coach at Holland Gazelle Sports Training Group) for seeing this "runner" through. Now, to get back to running with Running Wizard plan and improving my half marathon performance injury free!!!
From a believer.
-Annie Dandavati, Holland, MI
2017 Chicago Marathon – 4:51 (13-min PR)

From non-runner to 3:32 marathon first up using Running Wizard. And I am just getting started! I love it!!
-Kristin Suvick

Running Wizard training plan is a rock star! My wife and I successfully finished our fourth marathon yesterday (Akron Marathon in 2011) and the entire experience (from training to race) was incredible. We aren't world-class athletes and our goal was to simply run a marathon while feeling strong, steady and ready. My previous three marathons had been like a death march because I was constantly injured and over-trained. Using Lydiard principles and a prototype Running Wizard plan, this was the first marathon where I felt strong, prepared, healthy and confident. Following a Running Wizard plan was just what the doctor ordered to get us to the starting line injury-free and equip us with the tools to race well. I couldn't be happier about what we achieved together. By the way, I beat my previous marathon PR by almost 40 minutes! If you want to improve your running, your next step should be to get a Running Wizard plan and let it guide you through the process of running your best race. – a guy who followed a prototype Running Wizard and improved his marathon from 5:30 to 4:50
-Mark Erikson, Ohio

Running Wizard and training the Lydiard Way made us coverts to a whole different way of training. We loved the variety of fartlek, hills, and no mind numbing, time consuming multiple long runs. We came to the end of training feeling physically and mentally fresh. It was wonderful, so different than when we did the "typical" marathon training. We didn't come to the end of training, burned out. We want to get better as a runner; it would be great to get faster. The question is how to train the smartest (not the longest). Running Wizard is the answer. It has made running so much more fun, it has seemed more purposeful. It certainly improved our running, and our attitude about training.
-Anne Erikson, Ohio

Using this training I went from a 4:08 marathon to a 2:58 in a year!
-Steve Torrente, Runner and Coach, New York

Just wanted to let you know that with four weeks to go to the Warsaw Marathon, my training is going really well.
Today, I entered the Warsaw Half-Marathon to test myself and get some race experience. There are 17,000 runners in the race and it is very popular here. Following your training plan, I was aiming to run a 1:55 time and not over-exert myself. However, once the race started, that pace really felt too slow for me and I saw that I could easily improve my time. I finished in 1:48:05 - a personal best at the half-marathon for me. It gives me a lot of confidence that all of the training I have been doing has really been beneficial and that I am in a great position to break the 4 hour barrier next month.
4 weeks later Ray reported the following:
You might be pleased to hear that yesterday, I realised a dream that I have been chasing for five and a half years. Thanks to your help and encouragement, the Warsaw Marathon took me 3:56:54 to complete! I feel exhilarated and very tired! As you know, I am not a professional runner and only started when I was 49 - so to do this at 54 for me is one of the best days of my life. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!
-Ray Martin, Thailand

I have found this training formula to be the most successful of any that I have used in my personal running experience and in coaching runners. All my runners are experiencing great results and personal bests in their goal races this season thanks to the Lydiard format being adapted to their training. I myself have not had the results I am seeing yet in my 11 years of running especially since having my 2nd son in 2009 and suffering a labral tear shortly after. This Fall season I have won FIVE masters titles all while training on Lydiard program given to me at the coaching clinic. Incredible huh?
-Dawn Lisenby Telluride, Florida

At the NYC marathon yesterday, one of my runners had a really good day due to a solid training plan base on the Lydiard method. I basically used a RunningWizard plan with some very minor adjustments, and it led him to have a solid day. With a previous PR of 3:12, he was already a good runner. He took a big step forward yesterday and was able to run 2:57 in tough conditions (gusting headwinds from miles 2-20) with even splits throughout the race. He told me that he felt good to the finish and I suspect that he will be able to better his PR in his next training cycle. I just wanted to share another success story and convey the ‘thank you’ that I received from my tired but elated runner.
-Jonathan Lang, New York
At 50 years old, I thought my fast running days were behind me. Thanks to the easy to use and detailed Running Wizard training plan, I was able to lower my marathon time to 2:42!
-Danny Miller, Boulder Colorado
I've been using Running Wizard plan for this year London Marathon. Has changed my perspective on training forever!